The event "Environmental problems of Azerbaijan" was held

25 april, 2024

The Department of Regional Studies, Master's Department, and Azerbaijan Studies Center of the Faculty of International Relations and Regional Studies collaborated to prepare an event titled "Azerbaijan's environmental problems" that was held on March 28, 2024, as part of the "Year of the Green World".

Prof. S. Aliyeva, the head of the Department of Regional Studies, introduced the session and provided background information on ecology, ecological balance, and environmental issues. S. Aliyeva noted that this event was prepared by postgraduate students who had pedagogical and scientific research experience at the Department of Regional Studies, and we also led them.

Gulnar Tahirli, postgraduate student of group 231, spoke about the ecological situation of Azerbaijan's water bodies. She gave information about lakes, rivers, underground waters, mineral sources in Azerbaijan.She provided extensive information about the pollution of water bodies with wastes of various origins and the importance of water protection.

Postgraduate student of group 238 Babayeva Nazrin explained the environmental problems of the Caspian Sea. Nazrin spoke about the damage caused to the flora and fauna of the sea due to rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, waste from industrial enterprises, oil and gas extraction.

Huseyin Ismayilov, student of a group 470 the Faculty of International Relations and Regional Studies, who had an industrial experience, analyzed the ecological situation of Karabakh. He spoke about the existing state reserves and sanctuaries in the territory of Karabakh, the animals and vegetation protected there. During the occupation, he spoke about the looting of the Karabakh territory, the cutting of forests, the looting of mineral mines, and the damage caused to our state and people.

At the event, Gulnar Hajiyeva, a leading researcher of the Institute of Geography of ANAS, a doctor of philosophy in geography, an ecologist, informed about the issues of environmental protection in Azerbaijan. She highly appreciated the speeches of postgraduate students and students and brought to the attention of the participants useful information about the decisions taken by the state and the measures implemented in the direction of protecting the air, water, soil, flora and fauna of Azerbaijan.

Videos about the environmental issues affecting Azerbaijan's natural resources were screened during the event.