
Student-led society policy

For more details see: Student-led society policy

The main point of student-led society policy is to use the intellectual and resourceful capabilities of student-led organizations at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) in order to effectively engage them in the university's dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strengthen AUL's sustainability standing.

The main directions of this policy of AUL can be listed as below :

 Student Youth Organization. Student Youth Organization of AUL regularly organizes sports competitions among students, intellectual game and debate tournaments, excursions and charity actions, meetings with outstanding athletes, etc. Being a self-governing organ of the students,SYO aims to protect the rights of students, identify their potential, expand the scope of the student network, direct their minds to the future, support them to build their strategy, arrange interesting leisure time. This organization also helps to improve students’ specialties and to expand their interests in different fields.

The members of AUL Student Youth Organization also take advantage of the opportunities and become department heads, realizing themselves in different positions, as well as, practicing the future work life.



Student self-governance day «One day caliphate». On 13th of December in 2017  Student self-governance day- «One day caliphate» took place for the first time.  Within the framework of the project, students manage the management structures of the university during the day. On that day, the decisions of the students performing leadership positions have full legal force. The persons holding positions receive one day's salary for the position they perform. Students hold 32 leadership positions, including university rectors, vice-rectors, faculty deans. The persons holding the positions form the "shadow cabinet" of the university from that day on, and the cabinet continues its activities until the next "Khalifa Day".

Student Scientific Society. Student Scientific Society (SSC) was established at AUL in 1998. Initially, 80-100 students participated in the annual conference of SSC. For many years, the students of AUL took the highest places in the Republic Olympiads and conferences.

Involvement of students in scientific research activities and organization of these activities, promotion of various forms of scientific creativity among students based on the principle of unity of science, education and practice, assistance in increasing the interest of young people in these forms and fundamental research, as well as, motivation of students to research activities and study of scientific methods, to help them to master teaching materials in a deep and creative way is considered to be the main responsibilities of the Student Scientific Society.


Ambassador’s hour. The participation of ambassadors and other diplomats of different countries in the "Ambassador's Hour" project, implemented at AUL, is one of the new projects of interest to the students. The project aims at providing students with direct and extensive contact with ambassadors and diplomats from different countries to give them the opportunity of learning more about Azerbaijan's foreign relations, bilateral cooperation between our countries, including issues, related to the current country- specific situation, history, geography, culture and national values.

On the other hand,  students’ participating in these meetings helps them to improve their communication skills, as well as, preparing them for their future careers.